Author: learnwithdey

What is HTMLUnitDriver?

HtmlUnitDriver is a headless browser implementation of the WebDriver interface, designed for use with Selenium….

What is DesiredCapabilities in Selenium? what is the purpose , use case and when to use it?

DesiredCapabilities in Selenium are key-value pairs that allow users to customize and configure the testing…

What is ChromeOptions in selenium?

ChromeOptions is a class in Selenium WebDriver that allows users to customize various properties and…

How and when to use extract() method in rest assured?

Here are the key points on how and when to use the extract() method in…

Can we overload and override static methods in java?

In Java, static methods can be overloaded but not overridden. Here’s a detailed explanation based…

What is the scope of protected access modifier in java? and when to use it?

The protected access modifier in Java is an important concept that determines the visibility of…

Can we use default access modifier to class in java?

Yes, we can use the default access modifier with Java classes. When no access modifier…

What is Blocking Queue in java?

A BlockingQueue in Java is a specialized queue that provides blocking functionality when inserting or…

How playwright is different fron selenium?

Playwright solves several problems that Selenium faces, particularly in modern web application testing. Here are…

Difference between npm and npx?

The difference between npm and npx is significant in how they manage and execute packages…