what is CucumberOptions?

@CucumberOptions is an annotation in the Cucumber framework that allows you to configure various options for running your Cucumber tests. This annotation is typically applied to the test runner class and enables you to specify parameters such as the location of feature files, the glue code (step definitions), and various output formats.

Key Components of @CucumberOptions

Here are some of the main parameters you can configure using @CucumberOptions:

  1. features: Specifies the path to the feature files. You can provide a single path or multiple paths. Example:
   @CucumberOptions(features = "src/test/resources/features")
  1. glue: Defines the package(s) where Cucumber should look for step definitions and hooks. This is where the implementation of the steps defined in your feature files is located. Example:
   @CucumberOptions(glue = "com.example.stepdefinitions")
  1. plugin: Allows you to specify one or more reporting formats. You can generate reports in various formats like HTML, JSON, or JUnit. Example:
   @CucumberOptions(plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-reports.html"})
  1. tags: Used to filter which scenarios to run based on their tags. You can specify tags to include or exclude certain scenarios. Example:
   @CucumberOptions(tags = "@smoke")
  1. monochrome: If set to true, it improves the readability of the console output by removing unnecessary characters. Example:
   @CucumberOptions(monochrome = true)
  1. dryRun: If set to true, it checks if the step definitions are properly defined without executing the tests. This is useful for verifying that all steps in your feature files have corresponding implementations. Example:
   @CucumberOptions(dryRun = true)

Example Usage

Here’s a complete example of how @CucumberOptions might be used in a test runner class:

import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

    features = "src/test/resources/features",
    glue = "com.example.stepdefinitions",
    plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-reports.html", "json:target/cucumber.json"},
    tags = "@smoke",
    monochrome = true,
    dryRun = false
public class CucumberTestRunner {
    // This class will be empty, it is used only as a holder for the above annotations


In summary, @CucumberOptions is a powerful annotation that allows you to customize how Cucumber tests are run. By specifying various options, you can control the execution of your tests, the reporting format, and which scenarios to include or exclude, making it easier to manage and maintain your test suite.

Author: learnwithdey